Friendly Automate, the SME-Friendly Hubspot Alternative From Wortspiel

In recent months, the importance of marketing automation has grown among our clients. Rising click prices, for example with Google Ads, and also the financial challenges posed by the Corona crisis require better use of the expensively purchased clicks.

Marketing Automation can help with this, for example through individual advertising messages and channel-specific delivery at the right time.

However, some of the well-known providers in this area have conditions that are particularly challenging for SMEs – such as very high prices, the advance payment of these prices for a whole year and compulsory product training with medium four-figure costs.

That is why we have launched Friendly Automate. It is based on the open source solution Mautic, winner of the “MarTech Breakthrough Award” 2019 in the category “Best Overall Marketing Automation Platform” – and offers all the features of a professional marketing automation solution.

At the same time Friendly Automate has a fair pricing and a flexible monthly payment method. In addition, all subscriptions include a free 90-minute onboarding session and regular trainings on the optimal marketing automation strategy.

Discover Friendly Automate:


(You cannot afford the product because of the Corona crisis? Please contact us, we will find a solution.)

PS: You don’t have enough e-mails yet? Then subscribe to our newsletter.

Stefan Vetter is CEO and founder at Wortspiel. He created his first website in 1999 and has been active in digital marketing ever since. Stefan is also the founder at Friendly, a Swiss provider of privacy-friendly marketing software.