No Office, No Fixed Hours, No Problems? A Look Behind the Scenes of Wortspiel (Video)

By Stefan Vetter | October 21, 2017 (updated February 11, 2020) | Wortspiel

We at Wortspiel work as an agency for companies like Migros, Swisscom and WordPress. And that without a shared office and without fixed working hours. Does that work out well?

This was the question I was invited to address at the conference “New Forms of Work and Organization” of the Internet Briefing in Zurich – along with lecturers from Liip and Unic, among others.

What are your experiences with new forms of work? How are topics like home office or flexible working hours handled in your company? We look forward to a discussion over at Facebook.


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Stefan Vetter is CEO and founder at Wortspiel. He created his first website in 1999 and has been active in digital marketing ever since. Stefan is also the founder at Friendly, a Swiss provider of privacy-friendly marketing software.