Christian in Dataland

By Stefan Vetter | July 8, 2019 (updated August 24, 2020) | Wortspiel

How can companies use data-driven marketing? What are the ingredients for exciting analytics projects?

Christian Ebernickel is the second newest addition to the Wortspiel team. The winner of the Google-supported “Analytics Awards” answers Stefan’s questions.

This interview is the start of the “Wortspieler” series in which our team introduces itself to the world.

Stefan: Hi Christian, how are you?

Christian: Very good, thanks. I look back on a couple of good days. I was on the road quite a lot and had exciting conversations with potential customers and my counterparts in ongoing projects.

Who are you?

I am someone who helps companies set up data-driven marketing. This includes things like web analysis workshops & concepts, setting up tracking setups, audits & troubleshootings as well as data integration.

What is your story?

After my studies, I first joined an IT consultancy and worked mainly for Airbus in Toulouse and Madrid.

Subsequently, I founded my own company specializing in the distribution of books with defects and remaining editions. The focus of my work was on the management and further development of the company, especially with regard to online sales channels and online marketing.

In terms of content, this meant the consistent use of web analytics with the help of Google Analytics and the development of BI tools to manage purchasing and multi-channel sales.

I sold the company at the beginning of 2016. Since then I have been working as a consultant for digital analytics. I consider it a great privilege to be able to concentrate on the topics that I enjoy the most: Consulting, data & analytics.

What fascinates you about data and analytics?

What fascinates me is that it is very holistic. In order to develop meaningful analytics solutions for a company, it takes much more than just mastering the technology.

I have to get involved with the customer and think deep into her business model. Then I can work with her to develop solutions that really move her forward.

When I see how a web analysis project is launched from the first workshops and the people in the company start to work in a data-oriented way, it’s a great feeling.

What makes an exciting analytics project for you?

The ingredients for an exciting analytics project are a technical challenge, a complex initial situation and a committed client.

For the customer, I am not an extended workbench, but a partner in the development of sophisticated solutions. This means that the client must be involved in the project right from the start.

What challenges do you see for companies in Switzerland and Germany with regard to the use of data?

I am concerned about developments within the EU. Especially with regard to the ePrivacy Regulation, I am afraid that companies within the EU will face significant disadvantages with regard to the use of data.

I could imagine that Switzerland, as an island in the middle of the EU, could benefit from this development. The same could apply to the UK: As fatal as Brexit may be in many respects, the removal of many restrictions could be an advantage for the UK as a technology location.

How do you learn new skills?

I learn a lot within projects, especially when new paths are taken. I also try to systematically develop my skills by observing the market and anticipating developments.

I am also fortunate to be able to speak regularly at conferences. In the course of preparation, I deepen the respective topics once again.

Why have you become a part of Wortspiel?

Wortspiel unites under its roof a number of people whose professional expertise and personality I greatly appreciate. I was very pleased when I was asked whether I could imagine becoming part of the team.

In addition, the approach of Wortspiel appeals to me very much, which is not to become the biggest agency, but rather one of the best. I don’t care much about the volume an agency can handle. Much more important is the excellence of the results achieved and the high demands on oneself.

What do you do when you are not working?

I prefer to spend time with my wife and friends. I like to be out and about, be it running, cycling or hiking. In a few weeks I will be hiking in Iceland. I’m really looking forward to it: two weeks outdoors in a magnificent landscape.

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Stefan Vetter is CEO and founder at Wortspiel. He created his first website in 1999 and has been active in digital marketing ever since. Stefan is also the founder at Friendly, a Swiss provider of privacy-friendly marketing software.